I know your heart
St Faustina - Diary 1023

Today, I received some oranges. When the sister had left, I thought to myself, "Should I eat the oranges instead of doing penance and sacrificing myself during Holy Lent? After all, I am feeling a bit better." Then I heard a voice in my soul,

"My daughter, you please Me more by eating the oranges out of obedience and love of Me than by fasting and mortifying yourself of your own will. A soul that loves Me very much must, ought to live by My will. I know your heart, and I know that it will not be satisfied by anything but My love alone"

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Fr Bing's Holy Mass - Sunday 3rd May  
Excellent Homily from Fr Bing - a MUST

Who is Fr Bing?
Fr Bing's real name is Fr Edgardo Arellano and is known to us 
affectionately by his pet name - Fr Bing!
Fr Bing is a Canon Lawyer, Theologian, Philosopher, Exorcist, Author and former HOST of EWTN Program - "One in Their Hearts" - the Two Hearts!

He is the Founder of 7 Congregations - 6 Religious + 1 Lay Foundation which is that of His Third Orders!
He has his own Seminary with his own Order of Priests called OATH - 
Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts - 
He is also the Director of the Alliance of the Holy Family 
- an Apostolic Movement for Priests, Youth and Families - 
Approved by Pope St John Paul!
He is a powerful mystic - reader of Souls, a brilliant Exorcist

Outstanding HOMILY - 24mins into the Video
from Fr de Mallery FSSP - Warrington, England - A MUST LISTEN
Depriving the Laity from the Sacraments is the Worst Calamity in the history of the world!

The Beating Heart of the UK is NOT the NHS 
but the HEART of JESUS beating in every Tabernacle!
Thank you Fr de Mallery - Well said - total Profound Truth
Our Real Virus is APOSTASY

Bishop Schneider on the CORONA VIRUS -

a mini Chastisement

IRELAND to start re-opening for business on 18th May but it will take 5 Stages of Phases up to end of August - and there is no guarantee that it will actually work.

Around the world, it will be similar. The "Powers that Be" will keep this going until the Real Killer Plague comes in October - another Lock Down for Christmas! The Dark Powers are hell bent on keeping this going so that they can Vaccinate us with their Mark of the Beast - the CHIP is in the Vaccine! Don't be fooled, Bill Gates has the Vaccine ready but there is worldwide movement starting to oppose mandatory vaccinations

SHOCKING - Bill Gates & the Irish Banks
Bill Gates was Bondholder in Bailed Out IRISH Zombie Banks. The world's second-richest man, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, was a major Irish bank bondholder ahead of the financial collapse that saw the taxpayer put on the hook for the £64bn bank bailout.


Dr Rashid Buttar - "They Can't STOP this information"

The Micro Chipped NEW WORLD ORDER

FORCED VACCINATIONS are on the way. UK Law has changed over Corona Virus whereby we can now be Vaccinated against our WILL

Who do you think is heavily involved with this? If you say Bill Gates and his Foundation, you would be wrong ...

SCANDAL - UK Government and the Gates Foundation
UK Vaccine Network!

The scandal involving the UK government and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation takes an even more sinister turn into the darkness of corruption, racketeering and crimes against humanity with the announcement of the UK Vaccine Network.

The UK Vaccine Network appears, on the surface, to bring together industry, academia and relevant funding bodies in an impartial group, to discuss the way forward in developing a vaccine for the Covid-19 virus.

 However, the grim truth is that UK Vaccine Network appears to be nothing more than a smoke screen created by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, GlaxoSmithKline and the British Government to green light a deal that has already been done behind closed doors.

 As I looked at the list of members involved in the UK Vaccine Network, it became clear that the group is simply a box ticking exercise so that the Government can say there has been some due process in selecting GlaxoSmithKline and the Gates Foundation or one of Gate's affiliated organisations, institutions or companies to produce the vaccine such as Mologic, who produces the covid-19 test.

 Bill Gates along with his partners GlaxoSmithKline have been in business together for sometime now and in fact, Emma Walmsley the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, is on the board of Microsoft sitting apparently next to Bill Gates, make of that what you will.

 Bill Gates creates The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation acting as a Philanthropist and gives money with one hand but then reaps profits through Microsoft and his other companies such as Mologic, who is responsible for producing the Covid-19 test, who Gates funds and supports, with the other hand.

 The reason why people haven't been tested for Covid-19 isn't because a test isn't available but because it's being delivered by one company, Mologic, which the Department of Health and Social Care gave a £500,000 grant to help set up. The company was already being funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited them back on the 6th March 2020.

 To put this into perspective the testing kit will cost around £225 - £250 to the NHS. Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, and former GlaxoSmithKline President, Professor Patrick Valance now Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK Government, have already stated that they want everyone in the country tested.

 This means with a population of 65 million people Mologic, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded company, stands to make in excess of £13 billion pounds just from the test alone.

 Is this beginning to make sense now?
So, over the past decade Bill Gates has successfully infiltrated scientific institutions with his money buying them off one at a time and giving out in excess of an estimated £1 billion in grants to scientists to fund their projects.
It appeared on the surface that the multi-billionaire Bill Gates was being philanthropic with his fortune; the world couldn't have been more wrong.

 Bill Gates philanthropy was always about buying people, influence and organisations from The World Health Organisation, to Chris Whitty the Government's Chief Medical Officer who is about to be appointed to the Executive Board of the WHO in May 2020, in order to push the Bill Gates agenda through the UK.

 He has bought the scientists from prestigious Universities and institutions to private laboratories across the country, who've clambered for Gate's money like piglets suckling milk from their mother. Philanthropy isn't philanthropic when you stand to benefit economically, that's called investing.

 Bill Gates has invested well over a billion pounds over the years in funding grants and scientific projects in order to take control of the vaccine industry in the UK. What Bill Gates has done through his foundation is, in effect, backed every horse in the Grand National or the Kentucky Derby, so that he cannot lose. The Sicilian Mafia did the same thing but when they did it, we called racketeering.

 All that Gates had to do was wait, knowing what was coming around the corner from China. How did he know?

He even told everyone in his now infamous Ted talk about the coming pandemic in detail. So Bill Gates was fully aware that a Coronavirus was being unleashed on an unsuspecting, and unprepared world.

 To think otherwise is simply naive and Bill Gates should be being investigated for his involvement in the biological warfare attack on this country, if not the world.

 The idea of a vaccine panel came from the World Health Organisation, who was instructed by Bill Gates, their biggest funder.

 The vaccine is to be sold at £477 per injection if Bill Gates and GlaxoSmithKline aren't stopped they stand to make from the UK alone in excess of £45 billion pounds.

The COVID WAR - Gerald Celente, World's Number On Trends Forecaster!
Dumb enough to Believe BUSH's WARS
Dumb enough to Believe COVID WAR

The names given to Microwave Radiation devices are specifically to direct the user from their real name. The reason we don’t know how dangerous they are is that their main function is to gather Data. The main problem is that they are slowly killing us. It’s not called Killer Tech for nothing.
WiFi = Microwave Radiation Transmitter
SMART Devices = Microwave Radiation Devices
SMART Meters = Spy Microwave Radiation Transmitters

"If you don't get it now"......by Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea

15:45 min., 19:17 ****suspended individual fights, 23 min. and so on,...............

Follow-up of the 2 Bakersfield Doctors
Listen especially around 14 min. - comparing us with Sweden

How St Charles Borromeo Fought the Deadly Virus in Milan

Deadly Virus in Milan 1576 - 1578 during the reign of Bishop Charles Borromeo!
Saint Charles rebuked his priests: “Do not be so forgetful of your priesthood as to prefer a late death to a holy one” - Answering the call, many secular priests and Capuchins fathers heroically served the sick especially in the leper house, which doubled as an emergency hospital. After the plague subsided, not one of
St. Charles companions had perished but many priests who stayed back and refused to help had been stricken. 

Bill Gates holds "PATENT 060606" on Body Chip, he himself labelled 666, the Biblical Mark of the Beast! This Patent is described as a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” Microsoft has partnered with VeriChip manufacturer Digital Angel [Lucifer!] Corporation since 2008.


Investigative Journalist, Harry Vox on what the Globalists are plotting